Saturday, December 1, 2007

My Advent Calendar

The Christmas season has started! Lights are twinkling and fir trees are seen tied on tops of cars as people head home to decorate each bough. Today is the first day of December and my Advent calender starts today.

My mom made my Advent calender when I was small. I have fond memories of counting each day and getting to remove a felt ornament that stuck to the felt tree. I now have it hanging on my wall for my daughter but the felt ornaments don't stick anymore. So I have been searching for tidbits of information and small little ornaments to hang on this tree with little pins. In the process, I have found some fun things to share, some even with your kids. My blog will have its very own Advent calendar! So click on each day to be taken to a link that has something special for that day. This calendar will however, go through Jan. 6 Epiphany, the 12th day of Christmas and my wedding anniversary.

1-25 is ready to go. I am still working on the 12 days of Christmas!

Merry CHRISTmas!!!!!!



1 2 3 4 5 6
The twelve days of Christmas is now ready to go. I got a little behind, so the the first of the 3 of 12 days are lumped together. I found a little fun, a little fact, a little devotion, and a few pictures to boot! Hope you enjoy.

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