Saturday, October 4, 2008

Turtle Encounter

We have had the pleasure of sharing our land with a few turtles over the last 12 years. Turtles come and turtles go, but we have one turtle Lucy, that we see every so often. She has moved her hole all around the yard (we have 3 acres). We never know when she is going to pop up and walk in our path, or is it that we are in her path?

We have found little baby turtles before, no larger than a 50 cent piece. This one was bigger than that, but quite young. We were very excited to meet our new neighbor!

Welcome, Sally, or is it Rick Springfield?

1 comments from my readers:

Anonymous said...

cute*grin* this is the third blog today I have visited with the word "turtle" in the title- weird or what???