Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mums is a packrat!

Mums is a packrat. She likes to keep everything that she may possibly need. I jest because I can, I love her dearly. She has vision. She has hopes for fun and games, good times and stories, hugs and laughter.

Pappa Bobby and Mums got me this parachute when I was but a wee child. They got it for me to play with my friends. I can't be sure how many times it has been used, but she held on to it. For my child, her grandchild, and the friends that she would have one day.

Well, that day is today. Squeals and laughter resulted.

I have to say, she has vision! So, I take back what I said about Mums, she is not a packrat. She is a visionary!

Vision is not enough; it must be combined with venture.
It is not enough to stare up the steps. We must step up the stairs.
~Vaclav Havel

3 comments from my readers:

Anonymous said...

Love the photos..

what kind of cookies did you end up making? I can never make cookies that turn out right. Come to think of it, I just can't bake at all...

Anonymous said...

That parachute is one of 12 that I purchased in the early 70's while working with Mother's Day Out at Judson Baptist Church in Nashville. There was a parachute factory somewhere down in
West Temmessee/ They sold irregulars for a dollar each. Imagine jumping out an airplane with an irruglar parachute. They were quite a hit with the kids then, too. Mums

Florian said...

That pizza looks delicious. I like your intro quote - it caught my attention when you randomly showed up as "next blog". you might enjoy some of my musings too, feel free to check out my blog. Have a wonderful night. Deborah