Tuesday, May 13, 2008


God puts people in this world baby by baby. He gives each one a personality with talents and charms. He makes each one special because He has a plan for each one. We can't see people the same way God sees them. We see stereotypes, colors, wealth or poverty, and actions. God sees each person's heart. He sees the way we act and knows the thoughts that go along with it. He sees the potential that each of us have because of the gifts and talents he set us up with at birth. He knows from the beginning. He knows...everything about us. He knows when we are to be born and when we are to die. He knows the imprint on the world that each of us are to have for Him.

People come in and out of our life and they make imprints on us, and we make imprints on them. God chooses who and why.

God allowed me to sit under a wonderful preacher for several years and allowed the preacher's daughters to sit in my GA class. I am the better for it, but my heart is broken today. For today, we have lost a wonderful and caring preacher and his son, and those girls and their family have lost their father/husband and brother/son. Pastor Forrest Pollock and his son Preston will be missed greatly by his family, the Bell Shoals Baptist Church congregation, and all the people, all over the world that they touched with their lives. We will carry on knowing that they are in our Father's arms, and we will be forever changed-for the better. We will see them again.

Php 3:20
For our citizenship is in heaven.

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