Sunday, May 18, 2008

BubbaLou's World

We had a rather entertaining day today, so BubbaLou wanted to share the wealth. So welcome to her world!

We started off the day going to church with Mums because she was having high attendance day/Hawaiian day. Although, I have no pics to share from that affair, you know when you start the day off with leis, the day will turn interesting.

We took Mums with us to the beach today. We went to feed the birds for Poppa Bobby. We found birds, but the birds were fat and lazy. Absolutely no skill with catching bread mid air.
BubbaLou soon lost interest in the birds since they were so lazy and not performing well for her. She moseyed on down to the beach to look for shells. She found a bag full, but also found a few rocks. She feels this rock has Elvis hair. She says he also has a hairy backside. This was a very exciting find! Of course, she brought Elvis home.

Then she met Coco. Coco was really an illusion since dogs were not really supposed to be there. Coco was a good dog and loved the water. She loved to play fetch with whoever was willing to throw the ball. Possibly one of the friendliest and wettest dogs I have ever met. She tried to lay down and chew on her ball at the edge of the water, but just got a mouth full of salt water. She then showed us her skill of drinking from a water bottle her master was giving to her. Very talented dog!

BubbaLou decided to go tree climbing. She was having a fine time in the mangroves. Now, understand, she wasn't supposed to get wet. "Just wade in the water," those were her instructions. Of course, when she jumped down from this tree, she got her bottom half wet. She just looked at me and smiled and then said, "Sorry, mommy, I didn't mean to." We were at the beach, what could I say?

We finally made it back home after stopping for a Mickey D's ice cream cone and dropping Mum's off. She found time to bond with Patrick. Patrick disapproves.
Finally, after BubbaLou pummeled Popsaroo in a game of Sorry, we had a chuckle right before bed time. Thomas the dog was sprawled out on the floor chewing on his bone, when we looked down, and low and behold, he had a sticker on his paw pad. What a silly dog. If you only knew how silly he really is, you would laugh as hard as we did.

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