I have always had issues with "Secret Recipes." Why is it that people bring these recipes into my presence, adding inches to my already fluffy waistline, and then hit me with,"It's a secret recipe!" How insulting! I can be trusted to eat it, but not to make it? I don't get the logic in that. I guess, they just want to be the only person in the world that is allowed to deliver that taste to my taste buds. What am I supposed to do when they are not around? Sit around in awe of their secret recipe thinking of how grand they are because they can make it and I can't? As far as I am concerned, if it is that secret, then don't let me eat it. It is just not fair!
I promise that I will never hold back a "secret recipe" from anyone. As far as I am concerned, if I am not selling it, what does it really matter? Recipes are to share, to bring joy, to make taste buds happy-that is why they invented the recipe swap!
I have some recipes to share, but they are not just for food-why limit myself??
Recipe for a fun afternoon with your daughter
1 mom
1 daughter-may add more to taste
1 hour shoe shopping(you both have to buy shoes)
30 minutes in the pet store looking at bunnies, hamsters, and rats! Oh my!
20 minutes in the dollar store picking out snacks that will fit in your purse.
1 large movie size coke
1 1/2 hours in the movie of your choice- we liked this one
Fast food of your choice on the way home.
Mix together with smiles and laughter.
Recipe for delousing a bad hair situation- by popular demand.
This recipe is for all of you out there that can't stand these and have small children- it is safe without any pesticides that can cause your face to swell up and create breathing problems like they do for me.
1st step
shampoo-preferably one that has tea tree oil and/or eucalyptus oil in it.
white vinegar
olive oil
Mix in equal amounts and place directly on dry hair. This will foam up beautifully. Choose your favorite color of saran wrap and wrap the hair tightly with it. Please be careful and make it like a hat so that it can not droop down over their face and suffocate them. Keep your child in site, and let them wear it for at least an hour or more if possible while all those nasty things die. Then rinse your child's hair and watch how many go down the drain.
2nd step
Place your child in a high stool(it will save your back) in front of the TV and under a good light.
place a small amount of conditioner on their hair
have some white vinegar in a spray bottle
small container of water to rinse the comb in-you won't believe what ends up in here, and it makes a great science lesson.
Separate their hair into sections and start nit-picking. Use a fine comb-a good metal one made just for this-and comb away. You may have to use your fingernails to remove some of the nits, but the vinegar will help them come off. Rinse hair.
3rd step
Wash linen, vacuum, and put the stuffed animals in the dryer or bag them up for 14 days. Oh, and these things hate the heat, so blow dry your child's hair every day. You can repeat this treatment everyday if you want. Your child's hair will look great!
4th step
Take your child out for a fun afternoon. They deserve it!
That is enough for you to digest for now, we don't want you to get a stomach ache! Hopefully, you won't need that second recipe!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Secret Recipes
Posted by
9:02 AM
Filed under: Secret Recipes
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