Thursday, December 13, 2007

"What we need now is a little holly!"

The whole earth is full
of his glory~Isaiah 6:3b
I have always liked holly. Christmas decorations with holly are high on my list of faves! I always enjoyed drawing the little green leaves and berries on pictures and envelopes that I wanted to give that certain Christmasy feel to. While I was growing up, my friend, Sharon had holly bushes in her yard. I wanted some of those so bad but we had other weird green bushes surrounding our house. It wasn't until I moved away that my Dad planted holly bushes. I had grown, married, and moved to Florida where we bought some land with a small home.

One of the favorite things about my little piece of land down here in Florida is our holly tree. Even my husband likes it and I can't say that trees fall high on his things to contemplate. They do mine. It is just beautiful when it is loaded with beautiful red berries which conveniently is during Christmas time each year. I have used cuttings in wreaths and centerpieces many times during the holidays, this year, I have it around my advent candles on my table.

It is amazing how God has planned his creation to shout His glory, to celebrate Christ's mission and accomplishment. It's like I can hear this holly tree of mine as it shouts praises to Jesus as His birth is celebrated. I like to just look at it and say "Thank you Jesus, for all you did! Happy Birthday!"
One of my favorite authors is Stephen Lawhead and I recently read his book Scarlett. I got really excited when I read what Friar Tuck had to say about holly! I wrote it down so I would always have it, and so I share with you! So get that favorite picture of Friar Tuck in your head and read this with an English accent!
"What we need now is a little holly! The prickly leaves remind
us of the thorns our dear Lamb of God suffered with silent fortitude, and the red berries remind us of the drops of healing blood he shed for us. The tree remains green all the year round, and the leaves never die- which shows us the way of eternal life for those who love the Savior"

~Friar Tuck
Stephen Lawhead

2 comments from my readers:

Lennea said...

Thank you so much for joining in on the Happy Birthdday Jesus Bloggers Party! Your Blog is Beautiful! and glorifies God! I really enjoyed reading about the holly ( plus I got to practice using an English accent LOL)
Have a Blessed Christmas

Joyce said...

I thought that holly grew on a bush not on a tree. I really ejoyed looking at your blog and learning about holly.

Love and Hugs,