Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More spare time needed

More spare time is needed to create! It might be summer for some short little folks running amuck, but for me, I still have plenty of work calling least three days a week, all day long. Between those days of my nose to the grindstone, I have found a few moments, here and there to try to figure out photoshop. I have only scraped the surface of digi- scrapbooking. My work is raw and unpolished, but yet, I am making my photos into pretty little things.

This is the most recent of my efforts. I can not take credit for the page, I just dropped photos in. I got this as a free download at CottageArts. I am hoping that by paying attention to their tips, I can get a clue. Baby steps for now! I want to get to the point that I can do this from scratch.

These pics of two of my old friends were taken last year at my 20th High School Reunion. I have to say, these are my before pictures. I have since lost 35 lbs! Yay, Me!!!

Now this, was my first attempt to make a purposeful page. I am learning all about layering and such, but really at the time I was just hoping that I could get the text bigger than I did on the next picture. This page is dedicated to all those who wanted to see a picture of Popsaroo! Purty, isn't he?

I took the crazy pic of BubbaLou and put it on a fancy background to make it pop! I think it truly reflects how crazy she really can be. I couldn't figure this out a couple of days ago.

My scrapbooking efforts have found life again! I was doing so well with scrapbooking after BubbaLou was born. Well, at least until she started to crawl. Then run at 10 months! That child sure can move. She never has stopped. She turns 9 in December, and I am just now picking it up again! I have tons of pictures to scrapbook.

I feel so blessed that God has given me such precious memories to scrapbook. We each have so many memories that are special to us in our families, I can only imagine what the scrapbook that Jesus' mother Mary would have created, or the one that he would make of us.

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