Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Surprise Easter Celebration

Easter, our most Holy Day when Christ was raised with a promise of Eternal life has come at last. My celebration of this day was a little different. I had to work.

I could not attend church services, not even a sunrise service, because I was already at work. But God does not forget those of us who must carry on and serve him while we work. He keeps the surprises for us!

He played the Hallelujah Chorus on the radio this morning for me. I found myself in full blown worship with the Holy Spirit! I cried all through it. How awesome that he loves us so.

He gave me a positive day at work today, lots of progress with a patient.

He took two suffering patients home today. I got to hug the wife and brother of one of those that he took home. We shared that if he had to go, "What a day to go!"

He had a friend/co-worker reveal to me that they got saved!

Luke 24:12
But Peter got up and ran to the tomb; he bent down and saw the grave cloths but nothing else. Then he went back home amazed at what had happened.
Don't you think that we should expect to be amazed by our Lord-it still takes me by surprise every time.....

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